
近红外荧光BODIPY/aza-BODIPY染料的研究进展——————————岳帅, 邵竹梅, 姜新东(585)
负载于二氧化硅纳米粒子的菲并咪唑衍生物对Hg2+的检测——————————贾红丹, 邢文莉, 宋玉姣, 郑社洪, 高云燕, 欧植泽(601)
萘酚基酚醛树脂的合成及其在lift-off光刻胶中的应用——————————孙小侠, 司树伟, 郑祥飞, 刘敬成, 穆启道(609)
含偶氮苯基团的光敏型两亲化合物的合成及光照对其性质的影响——————————晁俊杰, 姜小明(615)
彩超参数MCA、UA联合胎心监护预测胎儿宫内缺氧的模型分析——————————仇萌萌, 李功璐(621)
斑点追踪超声心动图对急性心肌梗死PCI术后左心室重构的评价作用研究——————————李胜, 郑光美(626)
经颅彩色多普勒超声血流参数对短暂性脑缺血发作患者颈动脉狭窄的诊断价值——————————翟江玉, 陆青卫(632)
多层螺旋CT检查联合生化指标检测在急性胰腺炎诊断中的应用价值——————————黄景玉, 刘红书(637)
彩超弹性成像技术在甲状腺癌诊断中的应用效果研究——————————徐居勇, 刘臻, 李治军, 吕莎莎(642)
甲状腺癌超声特征与颈部淋巴结转移的相关性——————————刘颂玉, 吴芳芳, 徐闪闪(647)
超声联合CT引导下经皮穿刺活检对周围型肺癌诊断的作用——————————周平辉, 赵志强, 杨婧, 杨金华(652)
经腹超声联合核磁共振诊断凶险性前置胎盘的效果及对母婴结局的影响——————————韩煜雯, 郑艳莉, 陈丽平, 鲁晓燕, 韩云, 尤珺, 张忠新(657)
高频彩色多普勒超声在膝关节滑膜炎早期诊断及针刺疗效评估中的应用价值——————————刘丽芹, 王爱成, 刘春燕, 秦振龙, 田向东(666)
血管内支架介入对老年症状性椎动脉狭窄的疗效分析——————————陈尚雄, 唐洁, 杜松, 张辉, 孙龙, 刘平, 牟玮, 郝迎学(671)
肺部超声联合血清PCT、CRP对儿童社区获得性肺炎的诊断效能研究——————————李玉, 尹晓(676)
关于LI-RADS运用于儿童的现状和展望——————————张鹏, 王志鹏, 李敬伟, 高凤国, 陈亚静, 王鹏(681)
青年与中老年急性脑梗死MR特点和危险因素对比研究——————————韦菊临, 赵志雄(684)
连续X线透视辅助下由静脉造影引导的PICC置管术的临床价值——————————王秀芹, 王晓燕, 王春红, 刘晓方(690)
彩色多普勒超声联合核磁共振对卵巢肿瘤的鉴别诊断效能——————————韩龄锋, 赵俊(694)
彩色多普勒超声检查在DDH多种高危因素新生儿髋关节发育筛查中的应用——————————张霞, 孔何叶, 王丽春(698)
Er:YAG激光联合布地奈德对男性OSAHS的疗效——————————王艳辉, 梁锁柱, 王建爽, 尹惠丽(703)
回顾性分析不同病理类型肝脏恶性肿瘤超声造影表现——————————王琴, 王金萍, 王佳佳, 李保启(708)
CT多平面三维重建技术和MRI扫描对腰椎间盘突出症诊断准确性的对比分析——————————李学洪, 佟恒博, 刘敏(713)
MSCT灌注成像参数对胰腺癌鉴别诊断效果及与肿瘤恶性生物学行为、微血管密度的关系——————————付德利, 杜新月, 李明山(718)
上消化道造影和CT扫描诊断胃部肿瘤应用价值及检出率分析——————————陆伟, 何顺利(724)
64排螺旋CT脑血管造影在动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血诊断中的应用——————————温见春, 张幸(729)
增强CT与非小细胞肺癌临床病理特征及预后的关系——————————吴涛, 陈江(734)
12导联动态心电图结合CT血管造影对无症状心肌缺血的诊断价值——————————廖品亮, 李海玲, 张志辉, 曲小龙, 庄国强, 马源秋子(739)
儿童喘息性疾病患儿超声心动图、肺功能指标变化及临床意义分析——————————袁媛, 赵静, 蔡晓艳(744)
瞬时弹性成像技术联合血NLR、PDW对慢性HBV感染相关肝硬化预后的预测价值及与肝功能的关联性研究——————————赵丛林, 李树义, 张艳君(748)
Recent Advances of the Near-infrared Fluorescent BODIPY/aza-BODIPY Dyes——————————YUE Shuai,SHAO Zhumei,JIANG Xindong(585)
Fluorescent Sensing of Hg2+ by Phenanthroimidazole Derivative Supported on Silica Nanoparticles——————————JIA Hongdan,XING Wenli,SONG Yujiao,ZHENG Shehong,GAO Yunyan,OU Zhize(601)
Synthesis of Naphthol-based Phenolic Resins and Its Application in Lift-off Photoresist——————————SUN Xiaoxia,SI Shuwei,ZHENG Xiangfei,LIU Jingcheng,MU Qidao(609)
Preparation of the Photosensitive Amphiphilic Compound Having an Azobenzene Group and the Effect of the Light Illumination on Its Properties——————————CHAO Junjie, JIANG Xiaoming(615)
Model Analysis of Fetal Intrauterine Hypoxia Predicted by Color Doppler Ultrasound Parameters MCA and UA Combined with Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring——————————QIU Mengmeng, LI Gonglu(621)
Evaluation of Left Ventricular Remodeling with Spot Tracking Echocardiography after PCI in Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients——————————LI Sheng, ZHENG Guangmei(626)
The Value of Transcranial Color Code Sonography Blood Flow Parameters in the Diagnosis of Carotid Stenosis in Patients with Transient Ischemic Attack——————————ZHAI Jiangyu, LU Qingwei(632)
The Value of Multi-slice Spiral CT Combined with Biochemical Index in the Diagnosis of Acute Pancreatitis——————————HUANG Jingyu, LIU Hongshu(637)
Research on the Effect of Color Doppler Elastography in the Diagnosis of Thyroid Carcinoma——————————XU Juyong, LIU Zhen, LI Zhijun, LYU Shasha(642)
The Correlation Between Ultrasound Features and Cervical Lymph Node Metastasis of Thyroid Cancer——————————LIU Songyu, WU Fangfang, XU Shanshan(647)
Effect of Ultrasound Combined with CT Guided Percutaneous Biopsy on Diagnosis of Peripheral Lung Cancer——————————ZHOU Pinghui, ZHAO Zhiqiang, YANG Jing, YANG Jinhua(652)
Diagnostic Effect of Transabdominal Ultrasound Combined with Magnetic Resonance Imaging on Pernicious Placenta Previa and Pregnancy Outcome——————————HAN Yuwen, ZHENG Yanli, CHEN Liping, LU Xiaoyan, HAN Yun, YOU Jun, ZHANG Zhongxin(657)
Accuracy of Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Assessing the Therapeutic Effects of Er:YAG Laser with Guided Tissue Regeneration on Furcation Involvements of Mandibular Molars——————————WANG Jinhe(662)
The Application Value of High Frequency Color Doppler Ultrasound in the Early Diagnosis and the Evaluation of Acupuncture Effect of Knee Synovitis——————————LIU Liqin, WANG Aicheng, LIU Chunyan, QIN Zhenlong, TIAN Xiangdong(666)
Efficacy Analysis of Endovascular Stenting in Elderly Patients with Symptomatic Vertebral Artery Stenosis——————————CHEN Shangxiong, TANG Jie, DU Song, ZHANG Hui, SUN Long, LIU Ping, MOU Wei, HAO Yingxue(671)
The Diagnostic Efficacy of Lung Ultrasound Combined with Serum PCT and CRP on the Community Acquired Pneumonia in Children——————————LI Yu, YIN Xiao(676)
About the Status and Prospects of LI-RADS for Children——————————ZHANG Peng,WANG Zhipeng,LI Jingwei,GAO Fengguo,CHEN Yajing,WANG Peng(681)
Comparative Study on MR Characteristics and Risk Factors between Young Patients and Middle-aged and elderly Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke and the Value of Prevention——————————WEI Julin, ZHAO Zhixiong(684)
Clinical Value of Venography-guided PICC Catheterization Assisted by Continuous Radiography——————————WANG Xiuqing, WANG Xiaoyan, WANG Chunhong, LIU Xiaofang(690)
Diagnostic Effect of Color Doppler Ultrasound Combined with Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Ovarian Tumor——————————HAN Lingfeng, ZHAO Jun(694)
Application of Color Doppler Ultrasonography in Screening of Hip Joint Development in Newborns with Multiple High Risk Factors——————————ZHANG Xia, KONG Heye, WANG Lichun(698)
Effects of Er:YAG Laser Combined with Budesonide on Male OSAHS——————————WANG Yanhui,LIANG Suozhu, WANG Jianshuang, YIN Huili(703)
Retrospective Analysis of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Findings of Hepatic Malignancies of Different Pathological Types——————————WANG Qin, WANG Jinping, WANG Jiajia, LI Baoqi(708)
Comparative Analysis of Diagnostic Accuracy of CT Multiplanar 3D Reconstruction Technology and MRI Scanning for Lumbar Disc Herniation——————————LI Xuehong, TONG Hengbo, LIU Min(713)
Effect of MSCT Perfusion Imaging Parameters on Differential Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer and Their Relationship with Malignant Biological Behavior of Tumor and Microvessel Density——————————FU Deli, DU Xinyue, LI Mingshan(718)
Analysis of the Application Value and Detection Rate of Upper Gastrointestinal Angiography and CT Scan in the Diagnosis of Gastric Tumors——————————LU Wei, HE Shunli(724)
The Diagnostic Effect of 64-slice Spiral CT Angiography in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage——————————WEN Jianchun,ZHANG Xing (729)
The Relationship between Enhanced CT and Clinicopathological Characteristics and Prognosis of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer——————————WU Tao,CHEN Jiang(734)
Diagnostic Value of 12-lead Dynamic Electrocardiogram Combined with CT Angiography in Asymptomatic Myocardial Ischemia——————————LIAO Pinliang, LI Hailing, ZHANG Zhihui, QU Xiaolong, ZHUANG Guoqiang, MA Yuanqiuzi(739)
Changes of Echocardiography and Pulmonary Function Indexes in Children with Wheezing Diseases and Their Clinical Significance——————————YUAN Yuan, ZHAO Jing, CAI Xiaoyan(744)
The Value of Fibroscan Combined with Blood NLR and PDW in Predicting the Prognosis of Liver Cirrhosis Cause by Chronic HBV Infection and Its Relationship with Liver Function——————————ZHAO Conglin, LI Shuyi, ZHANG Yanjun(748)